Top 75 Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Certainly! Here are the top 75 manual testing interview questions and answers for 2024:

  1. What is manual testing? Manual testing is the process of manually testing software for defects. Testers execute test cases without using any automation tools.
  2. What are the advantages of manual testing? Manual testing allows for exploratory testing, is cost-effective for small projects, and provides immediate feedback.
  3. What are the disadvantages of manual testing? Manual testing is time-consuming, repetitive, and prone to human error.
  4. What is a test case? A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester determines whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly.
  5. What is black box testing? Black box testing focuses on the functionality of the software without knowing its internal code structure.
  6. What is white box testing? White box testing involves testing the internal logic and structure of the code.
  7. What is functional testing? Functional testing verifies that each function of the software application operates in conformance with the requirement specification.
  8. What is regression testing? Regression testing ensures that previously developed and tested software still performs correctly after it was changed or interfaced with other software.
  9. What is smoke testing? Smoke testing is a preliminary test to reveal simple failures severe enough to reject a prospective software release.
  10. What is sanity testing? Sanity testing determines whether it is reasonable to proceed with further testing.
  11. What is integration testing? Integration testing verifies the interactions between software components.
  12. What is system testing? System testing tests a complete and integrated software product to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements.
  13. What is usability testing? Usability testing evaluates a product by testing it with representative users.
  14. What is exploratory testing? Exploratory testing involves simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution.
  15. What is boundary testing? Boundary testing checks the behavior of a software application at the boundary limits.
  16. What is equivalence partitioning? Equivalence partitioning divides the input data into partitions and selects representative values from each partition as test cases.
  17. What is a test plan? A test plan is a document detailing the approach to testing a software product.
  18. What is a test scenario? A test scenario is a hypothetical story that illustrates one or more end-to-end interactions.
  19. What is a defect? A defect is a variance between expected and actual results.
  20. What is a bug? A bug is a defect found in the software during testing.
  21. What is a test strategy? A test strategy is a high-level document describing the approach to testing.
  22. What is a test environment? A test environment is a setup of software and hardware for the testing teams to execute test cases.
  23. What is positive testing? Positive testing validates that the application behaves as expected with valid inputs.
  24. What is negative testing? Negative testing validates that the application behaves gracefully when provided with invalid inputs.
  25. What is a traceability matrix? A traceability matrix links requirements to test cases to ensure test coverage.
  26. What is ad-hoc testing? Ad-hoc testing is informal testing performed without a formal test plan.
  27. What is load testing? Load testing checks the system’s ability to handle expected load levels.
  28. What is stress testing? Stress testing evaluates a system’s behavior under intense loads.
  29. What is acceptance testing? Acceptance testing ensures that the software meets the acceptance criteria.
  30. What is end-to-end testing? End-to-end testing verifies the flow of an application from start to finish.
  31. What is a test scenario template? A test scenario template is a predefined format for documenting test scenarios.
  32. What is the difference between test case and test scenario? A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester determines whether a system under test satisfies requirements. A test scenario is a hypothetical story that illustrates one or more end-to-end interactions.
  33. What is alpha testing? Alpha testing is performed by the in-house developers.
  34. What is beta testing? Beta testing is performed by a select group of users.
  35. What is risk-based testing? Risk-based testing prioritizes testing based on the likelihood and impact of potential failures.
  36. What is test data? Test data is the data used to execute test cases.
  37. What is test coverage? Test coverage measures the extent to which testing covers the system.
  38. What is a defect life cycle? A defect life cycle is the journey of a defect from detection to closure.
  39. What is defect triage? Defect triage is the process of prioritizing defects for resolution.
  40. What is a test harness? A test harness is a collection of software and test data configured to test a program unit by running it under varying conditions.
  41. What is the difference between verification and validation? Verification ensures that the software meets its specifications. Validation ensures that the software meets the customer’s expectations.
  42. What is a release note? A release note is a document detailing the changes and enhancements in a software release.
  43. What is the difference between sanity and smoke testing? Smoke testing is a preliminary test to reveal simple failures severe enough to reject a prospective software release, while sanity testing determines whether it is reasonable to proceed with further testing.
  44. What is a test script? A test script is a sequence of instructions that describes the steps to be taken and expected results in testing.
  45. What is a test management tool? A test management tool is software used to manage test cases, test suites, and test execution.
  46. What is the purpose of test execution? Test execution involves running the test cases against the software under test to identify defects.
  47. What is a test report? A test report is a document summarizing the test execution results.
  48. What is a test deliverable? A test deliverable is any tangible output generated during the testing process.
  49. What is the difference between verification and validation? Verification ensures that the software meets its specifications, while validation ensures that the software meets the customer’s expectations.
  50. What is boundary value analysis? Boundary value analysis involves testing the boundaries between valid and invalid partitions of input values.
  51. What is the purpose of exploratory testing? The purpose of exploratory testing is to discover defects through simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution.
  52. What is the role of a QA analyst in manual testing? The role of a QA analyst in manual testing involves designing, executing, and documenting test cases.
  53. What is a test management tool? A test management tool is software used to manage test cases, test suites, and test execution.
  54. What is the difference between alpha and beta testing? Alpha testing is performed by the in-house developers, while beta

Manual Testing Questions and Answers For Freshers

Certainly! Here are some manual testing questions and answers tailored for freshers:

  1. What is manual testing? Manual testing is the process of manually verifying software applications for defects, without the use of automation tools.
  2. What are the types of manual testing? Manual testing includes functional testing, non-functional testing, usability testing, regression testing, and more.
  3. What are the advantages of manual testing for freshers? Manual testing allows freshers to understand the testing process deeply, grasp fundamental testing concepts, and learn how to identify defects effectively.
  4. What is the difference between manual testing and automation testing? Manual testing is done manually by testers, whereas automation testing involves using automation tools to execute test cases.
  5. What are the basic steps in manual testing? The basic steps in manual testing include test planning, test case development, test execution, defect reporting, and test closure.
  6. Explain the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing. Smoke testing verifies the basic functionalities of the software, whereas sanity testing ensures that specific functionalities or areas of the software are working as expected.
  7. What is a test case? A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester determines whether a software application is working correctly.
  8. How do you write a good test case? A good test case should be clear, concise, and cover all possible scenarios. It should include test steps, expected results, and preconditions.
  9. What is a defect or bug in manual testing? A defect or bug is an abnormal behavior or flaw in the software that deviates from its expected result.
  10. How do you report a defect in manual testing? Defects in manual testing are reported using a defect tracking tool. A defect report includes details such as the steps to reproduce the defect, severity, and priority.
  11. What is exploratory testing? Exploratory testing is a testing approach where testers explore the software application dynamically, without predefined test cases.
  12. What is regression testing in manual testing? Regression testing is the process of retesting the unchanged parts of the software after a new change or enhancement to ensure that existing functionalities are not affected.
  13. What is the importance of documentation in manual testing? Documentation in manual testing helps in understanding the testing process, facilitates knowledge transfer, and provides a reference for future testing activities.
  14. What is traceability matrix in manual testing? A traceability matrix is a document that maps requirements to test cases, ensuring that all requirements are covered by test cases.
  15. How do you prioritize test cases in manual testing? Test cases in manual testing are prioritized based on factors such as business impact, risk, and dependencies.
  16. What is acceptance testing in manual testing? Acceptance testing in manual testing is performed to validate whether the software meets the customer’s requirements and expectations.
  17. Explain the difference between verification and validation. Verification ensures that the software is built correctly according to the specifications, while validation ensures that the software meets the user’s needs and expectations.
  18. What is usability testing in manual testing? Usability testing in manual testing evaluates the ease of use and user-friendliness of the software application.
  19. What is the role of a manual tester in a software development lifecycle? The role of a manual tester involves designing test cases, executing tests, identifying defects, and collaborating with other stakeholders to ensure the quality of the software throughout the development lifecycle.
  20. How do you handle pressure situations while performing manual testing? To handle pressure situations in manual testing, it’s important to stay organized, prioritize tasks, communicate effectively, and focus on problem-solving skills.

These questions and answers should provide a good starting point for freshers looking to enter the field of manual testing.

Become a Software Development Professional

Becoming a software development professional involves a combination of education, practical experience, continuous learning, and the development of specific skills. Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate this career path:

  1. Education: Start by obtaining a formal education in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. This can be through a degree program at a university or college, or through online courses and certifications.
  2. Learn Programming Languages: Master essential programming languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, or others depending on your area of interest. Understand the fundamentals of data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming.
  3. Build Projects: Practice your coding skills by working on personal projects or contributing to open-source projects. Building software applications or solving coding challenges will help you gain hands-on experience and showcase your abilities to potential employers.
  4. Gain Experience: Look for internships, co-op programs, or entry-level positions in software development. Real-world experience is invaluable for learning how to work in a team, understanding industry best practices, and applying theoretical knowledge to practical problems.
  5. Specialize: Identify areas of software development that interest you the most, such as web development, mobile app development, data science, machine learning, cybersecurity, or cloud computing. Focus on developing expertise in your chosen specialization.
  6. Continuous Learning: The field of software development is constantly evolving, so it’s essential to stay updated with the latest technologies, tools, and trends. Attend workshops, conferences, webinars, and online courses to keep your skills sharp.
  7. Communication Skills: Develop strong communication skills, both written and verbal. Software development often involves collaborating with team members, stakeholders, and clients, so effective communication is crucial for success.
  8. Problem-Solving Skills: Software development is all about solving problems, so hone your problem-solving abilities. Learn how to break down complex problems into manageable tasks, analyze requirements, and come up with creative solutions.
  9. Version Control: Familiarize yourself with version control systems like Git. Understanding how to manage code repositories, collaborate with other developers, and track changes is essential for working in a professional software development environment.
  10. Soft Skills: Develop soft skills such as time management, teamwork, adaptability, and resilience. These skills are just as important as technical skills in the software development profession.
  11. Networking: Build a professional network by attending industry events, joining online communities, and connecting with other software developers. Networking can open up opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and career advancement.
  12. Stay Persistent and Resilient: The journey to becoming a software development professional may have challenges and setbacks along the way. Stay persistent, keep learning from failures, and remain resilient in pursuing your goals.

By following this roadmap and continuously refining your skills and knowledge, you can become a successful software development professional. Remember that the key to success in this field is dedication, lifelong learning, and a passion for building innovative solutions through code.

The End of Manual Testing?

The end of manual testing is a topic that has been debated in the software industry for quite some time. While advancements in automation testing technologies have certainly reduced the reliance on manual testing in certain areas, it’s unlikely that manual testing will completely disappear anytime soon. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Complexity of Testing Scenarios: Manual testing is often necessary for testing scenarios that are too complex or require human judgment. While automation can handle repetitive tasks efficiently, it may struggle with scenarios that involve subjective evaluation or exploratory testing.
  2. User Experience Testing: Manual testing is essential for evaluating user experience aspects such as usability, accessibility, and user interface design. Human testers can provide valuable feedback on how users interact with the software in real-world situations.
  3. Ad Hoc Testing: Exploratory testing, where testers explore the software without predefined test cases, is best performed manually. This type of testing can uncover unexpected issues that may not be covered by automated tests.
  4. Early Stage Testing: Manual testing is often employed during the early stages of development when the software is rapidly changing and automated tests may not be practical to implement or maintain.
  5. Cost and Resource Considerations: While automation testing can be more efficient in the long run, setting up and maintaining automated test suites requires significant upfront investment in terms of time, resources, and expertise. For smaller projects or projects with limited resources, manual testing may still be the more feasible option.
  6. Human Judgment and Creativity: Manual tester bring human judgment, creativity, and intuition to the testing process, which can’t be easily replicated by automated tools. They can identify subtle issues, edge cases, and potential improvement that may be overlooked by automated tests.
  7. Combination of Manual and Automated Testing: Many organizations adopt a hybrid approach, combining manual and automated testing to leverage the strengths of both methods. Manual testing is used for exploratory testing, user experience testing, and ad hoc testing, while automated testing handles repetitive regression tests and functional validations.

In conclusion, while automation testing continues to evolve and play an increasingly important role in software development, manual testing still has its place in the testing process. Rather than seeing it as the end of manual testing, it’s more accurate to view it as a shift towards a more balanced approach that combines the strengths of both manual and automated testing methodologies.

Choose The Right Software Development Program

Choosing the right software development program is crucial for your career growth and success in the field. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Define Your Goals: Before selecting a program, clarify your career goals and aspirations. Are you looking to become a full-stack developer, specialize in mobile app development, or focus on data science? Understanding your interests and career objectives will guide you in choosing the most suitable program.
  2. Research Program Options: Explore different software development programs offered by universities, colleges, coding bootcamps, and online learning platforms. Look for programs that align with your goals, offer relevant courses, and have a strong reputation in the industry.
  3. Consider Curriculum and Course Content: Review the curriculum and course content of each program to ensure it covers the topics and technologies you want to learn. Look for programs that provide hands-on experience, real-world projects, and opportunities for practical application of skills.
  4. Check Instructor Qualifications: Evaluate the qualifications and experience of the instructors who will be teaching the program. Experienced instructors with industry expertise can provide valuable insights and mentorship throughout your learning journey.
  5. Assess Delivery Format: Consider the delivery format of the program, whether it’s in-person, online, part-time, or full-time. Choose a format that fits your schedule, learning style, and preferences. Online programs offer flexibility but require self-discipline, while in-person programs provide more interaction and networking opportunities.
  6. Check Reviews and Alumni Feedback: Look for reviews and testimonials from past students and alumni of the program. Feedback from others who have completed the program can provide valuable insights into its quality, effectiveness, and outcomes.
  7. Evaluate Cost and Financial Aid Options: Compare the cost of different programs and consider factors such as tuition, fees, materials, and living expenses if applicable. Additionally, inquire about financial aid options, scholarships, and payment plans to make the program more affordable.
  8. Check Industry Connections and Job Placement Support: Research the program’s industry connections, partnerships, and job placement support services. Programs that have strong ties to employers and offer career assistance, such as resume writing workshops and mock interviews, can help you secure employment after graduation.
  9. Review Accreditation and Reputation: Verify if the program is accredited by relevant accrediting bodies or recognized in the industry. Consider the reputation of the institution or organization offering the program and its track record in producing successful graduates.
  10. Take Advantage of Trial Periods or Free Resources: Many programs offer trial periods, free introductory courses, or demo classes. Take advantage of these opportunities to get a feel for the program’s teaching style, curriculum, and learning platform before making a commitment.
  11. Seek Advice and Recommendations: Seek advice from mentors, industry professionals, or peers who have experience in software development. They can offer valuable insights, recommendations, and guidance based on their own experiences.

By following these steps and thoroughly researching your options, you can choose the right software development program that aligns with your goals, learning preferences, and career aspirations. Remember that investing in your education and skill development is an important step towards building a successful career in software development.

Learn Automated Testing!

Learning automated testing can greatly enhance your skills as a software tester and open up new career opportunities in the field of software development. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started with automated testing:

  1. Understand the Basics: Familiarize yourself with the basics of software testing and understand the importance of automated testing in the software development lifecycle. Learn about different types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
  2. Learn Programming Languages: To excel in automated testing, you need to have a strong understanding of programming languages commonly used in testing, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, or C#. Start by learning the fundamentals of programming and then focus on mastering one or more languages relevant to your chosen automation tools and frameworks.
  3. Choose an Automation Tool: Explore different automation tools and frameworks used for automated testing, such as Selenium WebDriver, Appium, Cypress, or Robot Framework. Research their features, capabilities, and suitability for your project requirements. Choose a tool that aligns with your skills, project needs, and industry standards.
  4. Learn Test Automation Frameworks: Familiarize yourself with popular test automation frameworks that provide structure and organization to your automated tests. Examples include TestNG, JUnit, PyTest, and Mocha. Understand how to create test scripts, organize test suites, and execute tests using these frameworks.
  5. Practice Hands-On: Practice writing automated test scripts and executing them using your chosen automation tool and framework. Start with simple test scenarios and gradually progress to more complex scenarios. Experiment with different features and functionalities of the automation tool to gain proficiency.
  6. Understand Page Object Model (POM): Learn about the Page Object Model design pattern, which is commonly used in automated testing for creating reusable and maintainable test scripts. Understand how to structure your tests and separate the test logic from the UI elements using POM.
  7. Explore Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD): Understand the concepts of CI/CD pipelines and how automated testing integrates into the development workflow. Learn about tools such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitLab CI/CD, and how they automate the build, test, and deployment processes.
  8. Attend Workshops and Training Programs: Consider attending workshops, training programs, or online courses focused on automated testing. These resources can provide structured learning, practical exercises, and expert guidance to help you master automated testing concepts and techniques.
  9. Collaborate with Peers: Engage with the testing community through forums, online communities, and social media platforms. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your knowledge and experiences with others. Collaborating with peers can help you learn new techniques, troubleshoot issues, and stay updated with the latest trends in automated testing.
  10. Stay Updated: Automated testing tools and technologies evolve rapidly, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest advancements and best practices in the field. Follow blogs, read books, attend webinars, and subscribe to newsletters related to automated testing to keep your skills sharp.
  11. Build a Portfolio: Showcase your expertise in automated testing by building a portfolio of projects demonstrating your skills and accomplishments. Include details about the tools, frameworks, and methodologies you used, as well as the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
  12. Seek Certification: Consider pursuing certifications in automated testing to validate your skills and enhance your credibility as a testing professional. Certifications such as ISTQB Foundation Level – Agile Tester Extension, Selenium WebDriver Certification, or ISTQB Advanced Level – Test Automation Engineer can enhance your career prospects and demonstrate your proficiency in automated testing.

By following these steps and dedicating time and effort to learning and practicing automated testing, you can become proficient in this valuable skill set and advance your career in software testing and development. Remember to stay curious, persistent, and proactive in your learning journey.

Our Software Development Courses Duration And Fees

Certainly! Below are the details of our software development courses including duration and fees:

  1. Full Stack Web Development Course:
    • Duration: 6 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $3,000
  2. Mobile App Development Course:
    • Duration: 4 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $2,500
  3. Data Science and Machine Learning Course:
    • Duration: 5 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $3,500
  4. Software Testing and Quality Assurance Course:
    • Duration: 3 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $1,800
  5. Cybersecurity Fundamentals Course:
    • Duration: 3 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $2,000

Please note that the duration of each course is based on part-time study and may vary depending on the pace of learning and individual progress. Additionally, the fees mentioned above are subject to change and may include additional materials or resources. Feel free to contact us for more detailed information or to inquire about any available discounts or financial aid options

Our Software Development Courses Duration And Fees

Certainly! Below are the details of our software development courses including duration and fees:

  1. Full Stack Web Development Course:
    • Duration: 6 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $3,000
  2. Mobile App Development Course:
    • Duration: 4 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $2,500
  3. Data Science and Machine Learning Course:
    • Duration: 5 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $3,500
  4. Software Testing and Quality Assurance Course:
    • Duration: 3 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $1,800
  5. Cybersecurity Fundamentals Course:
    • Duration: 3 months (part-time)
    • Fees: $2,000

Please note that the duration of each course is based on part-time study and may vary depending on the pace of learning and individual progress. Additionally, the fees mentioned above are subject to change and may include additional materials or resources. Feel free to contact us for more detailed information or to inquire about any available discounts or financial aid option

Our Software Development Courses Duration And Fees

Certainly! Here’s the information regarding the duration and fees for our software development courses:

  1. Full Stack Web Development Course:
    • Duration: 6 months
    • Fees: $3,000
  2. Mobile App Development Course:
    • Duration: 4 months
    • Fees: $2,500
  3. Data Science and Machine Learning Course:
    • Duration: 5 months
    • Fees: $3,500
  4. Software Testing and Quality Assurance Course:
    • Duration: 3 months
    • Fees: $1,800
  5. Cybersecurity Fundamentals Course:
    • Duration: 3 months
    • Fees: $2,000

Please note that the duration of each course is based on a regular schedule, and the fees mentioned are subject to change. Feel free to reach out to us for more detailed information or to inquire about any available discounts or payment plans.


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