Top Tech Skills Needed for job in IT Sector 2024

Top Skills Needed for job in IT Sector 2024
Artificial intelligence

Tech Skills for job is one of the fields that is growing the fastest. A big pay is one of the good things about working in technology. If you are a new graduate or young worker in technology, you have a lot of interesting choices. For example, you can learn project management, and DevOp, take classes in data science and AI/ML, and more. There are lots of places you can work in technology, like fast-paced startups, tech companies that are always coming up with new ideas, and small IT teams. We’ve talked about the top 15 well-paying tech jobs in this piece.

The video below tells you everything you need to know about the top 10 best-paying tech jobs in 2024. If you are thinking about your work and want to make sure you are building skills that will help you in the future, or if you want to move into a completely different field, watch it.

Best Paying Jobs in Technology
Best Paying Jobs in Technology


Let’s check the top highest-paying jobs in technology for 2024. It is important to note that the highest-paying tech jobs may not necessarily align with an individual’s personal interests, skills, or career goals, and focusing solely on earning potential may overlook other important factors such as job satisfaction and work-life balance.

1. Mobile Applications Developer

The latest mobile devices and software are changing how we communicate, conduct business, and obtain news and entertainment. Due to companies, customers, programmers, and creatives adopting this revolutionary medium, mobile app development has become one of the most lucrative and rapidly growing vocations. Computer science or information systems graduates have a huge edge in this job.

In India, mobile app developers make an average of about ₹6 Lakhs yearly. The average US wage is nearly $133,000.

2. IT Security Manager

A company’s systems, networks, and data are protected against computer viruses, security breaches, and hacker assaults by an information security manager. If these breaches disrupt an organization’s IT infrastructure, sensitive data may be lost. Data breaches may cost companies money and penalties. Companies must take security precautions.

Information Systems Security Managers in India earn an average of about ₹19 Lakh yearly. The average US wage is about $158,000. Other nations’ average yearly salary:

  • Australia: $171,000+
  • Canada: $139,500+
  • France: €77,000+
  • Germany: €92,000+
  • UK: £76,000+

These salary figures may vary depending on factors such as experience, education, and location within each country.

3. Software Engineering Manager

Best Paying Jobs in Technology
Best Paying Jobs in Technology

Software engineering managers oversee and coach other software engineers in designing and developing software, programs, and applications while reporting to top management. Software engineering managers usually require a bachelor’s degree in computer science or programming and many years of relevant expertise. To participate individually, people must know programming languages and programs. In India, software engineering managers earn an average of around ₹33 Lakh yearly. The average US wage is nearly $157,000. Other nations’ average yearly salaries:

  • Australia: $161,000+
  • Canada: $165,000+
  • Denmark: $141,000+
  • France: €89,000+
  • German: €107,000+
  • United Kingdom: £116,000+

4. Database Managers

Database managers create and maintain company data storage and organizing systems. They deploy many security measures to protect data. The database manager also manages the database teams’ daily activities and determines company data storage needs.

Database Managers in India make an average of approximately ₹11 Lakh yearly. The average US wage is nearly $65,000. Other nations’ average yearly salaries:

  • Australia: above $126,000
  • Canada: above $75,000
  • France: above €50,000
  • Germany: above €64,000
  • United Kingdom: £45,000+
  • Japan: above ¥6,000,000
  • China: above ¥300,0000

5. Data Security Analyst

Data security experts protect computer networks and systems from viruses and hackers, often working for specific companies. They ensure antivirus software and other security applications are up-to-date and function correctly. They assess a company’s security procedures to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities and recommend improvements to enhance system security. A Data Security Analyst earns an average of over ₹6 Lakhs annually in India. They implement measures to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access, conduct regular audits, and develop strategies to mitigate risks. They need strong problem-solving abilities to investigate security incidents and respond appropriately.

6. Product Manager

The next high-paying IT career is product manager. The Product managers create an operational plan to fulfill strategic and tactical goals, establish a product portfolio, manage and implement marketing activities, and contribute to the product strategy vision. Product managers have grown in prominence as firms realize the advantages of strategic product development and customer-centric methods. Product Managers in India earn an average of around ₹20 Lakh yearly. The average US wage is about $146,000. Other nations’ average yearly salaries: Australia: above $130,000 Canada: above $103,000 France: above €54,000 Germany: above €65,000 United Kingdom: £70,000+

7. AI Engineer

Due to the growing industry use of AI technology, AI engineers are in demand. These experts create, develop, and deploy AI-powered solutions and algorithms to improve decision-making and solve challenging challenges. They analyze data, construct machine learning models, interpret natural language, use computer vision, and use deep learning. AI engineers construct AI systems alongside data scientists, software engineers, and domain specialists to increase efficiency, automation, and consumer experiences.

In Tech Skills for job, AI Engineers are in great demand in healthcare, banking, e-commerce, and other industries because they promote innovation and help firms compete in the data-driven world.

In India, AI engineers make an average of around ₹15 Lakh yearly. The average US wage is about $140,000. Other nations’ average yearly salaries:

8. Full-Stack Developer

Jobs in Technology
Jobs in Technology

A full-stack developer is someone who can do front-end and back-end programming or is proficient in the whole development process, from design to conclusion.

Full stack developers may create APIs utilizing MEAN stack technologies, test code integrity, ensure responsiveness and compliance, and secure data.

An average full stack developer in India makes around ₹6.5 Lakhs yearly. The average US wage is above $97,000. Other nations’ average yearly salaries:

  • Australia: above $104,000
  • Over $81,000 in Canada
  • France: above €50,000
  • Germany: above €59,000
  • United Kingdom: above £57,000

9. Bitcoin Developer

Blockchain engineers create and implement blockchain architecture and solutions. In Tech Skills for job, Blockchain engineers must be proficient programmers and knowledgeable in Ripple, R3, Ethereum, Bitcoin, consensus procedures, security protocol stacks, and crypto libraries and functionalities.

On average, a Blockchain Engineer in India makes approximately ₹7.5 Lakhs yearly. The average US wage is nearly $101,000. Other nations’ average yearly salaries:

  • Australia: above $130,000
  • Canada: above $96,000
  • France: above €46,000
  • Germany: above €65,000
  • United Kingdom: £62,000+

10. Data Scientist

Data Scientists, one of the highest-paid careers, are in great demand as firms use data for strategic planning and competitive advantage.

In Tech Skills for job, Data scientist are in demand as companies analyze large, complicated databases for insights. These experts gather, analyze, and evaluate data for decision-making and problem-solving. They find data trends and patterns using data exploration, statistical analysis, machine learning modeling, and data visualization.

Data Scientists in India earn an average of around ₹9 Lakhs yearly. The average US wage is about $124,000. Other nations’ average yearly salaries:

  • Australia: over $125,000
  • Canada: above $101,000
  • France: above €52,000
  • Germany: above €69,000
  • United Kingdom: £50,000+


  • Which information technology course pays the most?

Upskilling is crucial for professional growth, and organizations are increasingly focusing on candidates with specific IT certification courses. Top IT certifications include Data Science, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Business Intelligence, Networking, Software Development, DevOps, Cyber Security, and Digital Marketing.

  • Which IT careers pay best?

In Tech Skills for the job, The job market is attracting high demand for technology professionals with specific skills, with high-paying IT jobs in 2024 including Data Anayst, IoT Solutions Architects, Big Data Engineers, Software Architects, Blockchain Engineers, DevOps Engineers, Cloud Architects, Full-Stack Developers.

  • What IT business pays the most?

The IT industry is experiencing a surge in salary, with the average salary for a software engineer in the USA being $110,638. However, several top-paying IT companies in 2024 include Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Zoom Video Communications, Amazon, UiPath, RingCentral, Apple, Netflix, and SBA Communications.

  • IT or computer science pays more?

IT and Computer Science are closely related due to their overlap, with computer scientists coding and IT professionals networking. Both are strong technological careers, with IT positions like web developers and system analysts, while computer science positions include software developers, programmers, and hardware engineers. Technology skills are more valuable than degrees.

Over time, AI, cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning have grown quickly. Today’s society needs them due to the pandemic and worldwide health crises. As the world changes, it’s crucial to pick a profession and plan your career so your work will be in demand in a few years.

  • What skills are required for the best-paying jobs in IT?

While it is true that not all tech jobs pay well, it is important to note that the lowest-paying tech jobs listed still require valuable skills and expertise.

  • What is the job market like for the best-paying jobs in IT?

IT jobs are competitive and demand years of expertise. The positions are sought after and pay well.

  • Which jobs are in demand in the UK?

In the UK, there is a high demand for professionals in various fields. Some of the jobs that are currently in demand include software developers, cybersecurity analysts, data scientists, digital marketing specialists, and project managers. These roles are essential in driving innovation, protecting data security, and meeting the evolving needs of businesses in the digital age. By pursuing a career in one of these fields, you can secure a promising job opportunity and contribute to the thriving UK economy.

  • Which is the lowest-paying tech job?

Some computer occupations are among the highest-paid in the world, but not all. The following low-paying IT occupations may not be worth your time:

Tech support rep, QA Specialist, Computer User Support Specialist, Operations Research Analyst, Network Administrator, Computer Network Support Specialist, Net developers Network and computer administrators, Computer programmers


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